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FOS publishes Ombudsman News issue 191

Link(s):Ombudsman News 191 ( ( Context FOS has published issue 191 of Ombudsman News. Key points to note and next actions The areas covered in this issue are: Consultation opens for charging professional...

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FSCS confirms zero levy for brokers in 2024/25

Link(s):FSCS confirms annual levy for 2024/25 is £265m | FSCSOutlook May 2024 | FSCSFSCS Outlook May 2024 Context FSCS has published its latest update on the annual levy for 2024/25. The total levy payable by firms for the 2024/25 financial year is now £265m, which is...

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FCA publishes new web page on operational resilience

Link(s):Operational resilience: insights and observations for firms | FCAPS21/3 Building operational resilience Context The FCA published PS21/3 Building operational resilience in March 2021.  The Policy Statement set out the final rules and guidance on the FCA’s new...

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NCSC publishes updated guidance in relation to ransomware

Link(s):ABI, BIBA, IUA with NCSC help reduce ransom harm - NCSC.GOV.UKNCSC guide to help businesses facing ransomware demands ( Context The NCSC has published, in conjunction with the Association of British Insurers (ABI), British Insurance Brokers’...

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FOS consults on proposed changes to its fee structure

Link(s):Charges for professional representatives detailed for the first time in new ombudsman service consultation ( Context The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) has set out proposed changes to its fee structure in a consultation, following...

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FCA updates the SUP15 notification process and forms

Link(s):Firm notification form (SUP 15) | FCANotification Form ( Context Principle 11 requires a firm to deal with its regulators in an open and cooperative way and to disclose to the FCA appropriately anything relating to the firm of which the FCA would...

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FOS publishes an update on car finance commission complaints

Link(s):An update on car finance commission complaints ( about car finance commission ( Context FOS has published an update about its car finance commission cases. Key points to note and next actions FOS...

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FCA updates its Change in Control web page

Link(s):Change of legal status | FCA Context The FCA has updated the Change of Legal status webpage. The webpage informs firms on how notify or apply to the FCA if there are changes to your firm’s legal status. Key points to note and next actions Depending on the...

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OFSI publishes a Financial Sanctions FAQs web page

Link(s):UK Financial Sanctions FAQs - GOV.UK ( Context On 1st May 2024 the Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI) introduced Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), a new form of additional guidance aimed at providing technical support to industry...

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FCA updates the SUP 15 Notification process and forms

Link(s):Firm notification form (SUP 15) | FCA Notification Form ( Context Principle 11 requires a firm to deal with its regulators in an open and cooperative way and to disclose to the FCA appropriately anything relating to the firm of which the FCA would...

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FCA publishes Q1 2024 Financial Promotions Data

Link(s): Context The FCA has published its Financial Promotions data for January to March 2024.  It sets out the FCA’s actions against firms breaching financial promotion rules, and referrals...

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FCA confirms full roll-out of the new Form A

Link(s):Using the new Form A | FCA Context The FCA’s improved Form A (used for Senior Management Function and Controlled Function applications) is now being rolled out to all firms. Key points to note and next actions Some of the changes the FCA has made may affect...

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CAP publishes a guide to the privacy rules

Link(s):Can we get some privacy? A guide to the privacy rules - ASA | CAP Context Recognising that everyone values their privacy, from high street consumers to members of the Royal Family, CAP has highlighted the extent these concerns are reflected to in law and also...

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ABI takes action on motor premium finance

Link(s):ABI takes action on motor premium finance | ABI Context The ABI has set out the steps the industry is taking to combat the rise in the cost of motor insurance at their conference in February.  Motor insurance costs have been a particular focus after claims...

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FCA publishes complaints data for H2 2023

Link(s):Complaints data | FCAFirm specific complaints data | FCAAggregate complaints data: 2023 H2 | FCA Context The FCA publishes its complaints data every 6 months, around April and October. It provides firm-specific data for individual firms and aggregate, or...

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FCA announces work on Big Tech in financial services

Context Link(s):‘Big Tech a priority’ says FCA Chief Executive | FCANavigating the UK's Digital Regulation Landscape: Where are we headed? | FCAFS24/1 – Potential competition impacts from the data asymmetry between Big Tech firms and firms in financial services | FCA...

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EU minimum PII limits to be increased in October 2024

Link(s):L_202400896EN.000101.fmx.xml ( IDD – Publication in the OJ of the EU of the Commission’s Delegated Regulation Amending Amount of Professional Indemnity Insurance | Brokers Ireland Context Brokers Ireland recently announced, following a review by...

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FOS publishes Ombudsman News issue 190

Link(s):Ombudsman News 190 ( Financial Ombudsman Service - Plans and Budget 2024-25 ( Context FOS has published issue 190 of Ombudsman News. Key points to note and next actions The areas covered in this issue are:...

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FCA publishes Handbook Notice 117

Link(s):Handbook Notice 117 ( Context The FCA has published Handbook Notice 117 which provides feedback to a number of Consultations.  The Handbook Notice effectively serves as the Policy Statements in relation to the Consultations included in the...

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FCA updates its Transforming Data Collection webpage

Link(s):Transforming data collection | FCA TDC phase two industry recommendations FINAL.pdf ( Data Collection – response to phase two indsutry recommendations and future strategy (

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FCA publishes details of its Financial Penalty Scheme

Link(s):Financial Penalty Scheme | FCAEnforcement | FCA Context The FCA has published details of how its Financial Penalty Scheme works, and how it uses retained penalties for the benefit of firms, in a new webpage.  It has also updated its Enforcement webpage to...

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FCA outlines the new Long Form A content

Link(s):Using the new Form A | FCA Context Following publication of its webpage on the new Form A, the FCA has announced that it plans to gradually roll out the new form to all firms from April 2024. Form A applications which relate to becoming authorised for the...

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FCA publishes 2024/25 Business Plan and supporting web pages

Link(s):FCA sets out plan for the year ahead | FCABusiness Plan 2024/25 | FCA FCA outcomes and metrics | FCAOur approach to supervision | FCAFigure 1: The FCA’s decision-making frameworkOur approach to consumers | FCA Context In its Business Plan for 2024-25, the FCA...

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ASA publishes a webpage relating to debt

Link(s):Don't get into debt with the ASA - ASA | CAP03 Misleading advertising - ASA | CAP Context ASA has published a webpage relating to a few rulings on ads for products related to ‘debt’, that are not regulated by the FCA, such as IVAs and Lead Generation. CAP has...

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FOS sets out its updated maximum award limit

Link(s):Increase to our award limits ( Context FOS has announced that the FCA has confirmed the increase to the FOS award limit for the coming financial year.  The award limit is the maximum amount FOS can require a financial business to pay...

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FCA publishes its latest available Attestations data

Link(s):Attestations | FCAHistoric attestations data ( Context The FCA has updated its Attestations web page to include the data for Q2 2023/24 (so July to September 2023).  An attestation is a firm's formal statement that it will take, or has...

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FCA publishes Whistleblowing data for Q3 and Q4 2023

Link(s):Whistleblowing quarterly data 2023 Q3 | FCAWhistleblowing quarterly data 2023 Q4 | FCA Context The FCA has published its Whistleblowing data for Q3 and Q4 2023, showing the number of new whistleblowing reports it received between July and September 2023 (Q3),...

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FOS publishes Ombudsman News issue 189

Link(s):Ombudsman News 189 ( Context FOS has published issue 189 highlighting their latest data, covering complaints about financial products and services between October and December 2023. FOS have also shared an online guidance for...

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ABI launches new guide to help firms use AI responsibly

Link(s):ABI launches new guide to help firms use AI responsibly | ABIai-guide.pdf ( Context The Association of British Insurers (ABI) has convened experts to produce a guide to responsible AI innovation, in light of the rapid growth of Artificial...

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