HMRC provides access to online recorded webinars covering topics in relation to money laundering controls oversight.
Key points to note
- The most recent update is aimed at trust or company service providers
- The web page includes guidance for estate agency businesses, letting agency businesses and high value dealers
- There is a section that relates to all firms affected by the Money Laundering Regulations which provides access to recorded webinars about:
- how to make suspicious activity reports to the National Crime Agency, what happens to those reports and how to improve the quality of your reports;
- suspicious activity reports to find tips and guidance on improving the quality of your reports;
- the fit and proper test and approval processes for responsible people in your business to find out about the fit and proper test and approval processes, who has to follow these processes and when you need to take action; and
- making a risk assessment for your business to find out what the Money Laundering Regulations say about risk assessment and what businesses need to do about identifying and assessing risk
Next actions
None – for information and awareness