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FCA Speech – How to organise a COO

Link(s):How to organise a COO | FCA


Speech by Emily Shepperd, FCA Chief Operating Officer and Executive Director of Authorisations, delivered at the Armstrong Wolfe COO Summit 2023: Non-financial Risk

Key points to note

Shepperd discusses topics including Culture, Diversity and Inclusion, with some of the key points being:

  • Chief Operating Officers should use the levers of ‘soft’ power such as open communication as much as ‘hard’ power such as data and rules to mitigate non-financial risk
  • Diversity and Inclusion is about far more than targets – true inclusion means that people feel free to speak out
  • The FCA is an innovator as much as a regulator, embracing change and helping new industries flourish while protecting consumers from harm

Next actions

None – for information and awareness.