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ABI reports on the fall in insurance fraud

Link(s):Own goals, cruise con, DIY vandalism – fall in insurance fraud good news for honest customers, but no room to go easy on the cheats says the ABI


According to ABI data there was a fall in both the number and cost of dishonest claims uncovered last year compared to 2020. However, the average detected fraud was at a record £12,283, due to the slower fall in their total value.

Key points to note

The figures highlight that in 2021 compared to 2020:

  • The number of fraudulent claims detected fell by 5% to their lowest since 2007. Their total value at £1.1 billion dropped 2% to the lowest level since 2012. 
  • Motor insurance claim frauds continued to be the most common, albeit that last year saw a fall in their total volume and value. There were 49,000 frauds detected, down 7%, although their value, at £577 million, fell by only 1%. The number of organised motor frauds uncovered at 10,617 rose by 8%. This rise in part reflected initiatives by the Insurance Fraud Bureau to tackle crash for cash staged motor scams.
  • While the number of property insurance frauds dropped to 18,000 compared to 24,000 in 2020, their value rose to £124million, up 9%. This was driven by a rise in the value of commercial frauds uncovered.
  • The number of fraudulent liability insurance claims uncovered at 12,978 dropped by 10%; their value, at £378,000, fell by 8%.

Next actions

None – for information and awareness.