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FCA Speech: From Zeroes to Heroes – how culture in financial services can change for everyone’s benefit – Emily Shepperd, FCA COO and Executive Director of Operations

Link(s):From Zeroes to Heroes: How culture in financial services can change for everyone’s benefit | FCA


A speech was delivered by Emily Shepperd at the City and Financial Global’s 8th Annual Culture and Conduct Forum for the Financial Services Industry.

Key points to note

  • FCA cares about culture because this drives conduct: The Consumer Duty will encourage firms to analyse their culture and how that affects their conduct.
  • Firms should offer the right environment for employees of all backgrounds to feel safe in challenging and speaking out.
  • Just 5% of crypto firms who applied to the FCA for registration showed that they understood anti-money laundering rules, but half of those who engaged seriously with the regulator were granted registration.

The speech itself was broken into six sections which addressed:

  • Using culture to reverse the image of the financial services industry
  • Senior leaders nurturing healthy cultures
  • The Consumer Duty focusing minds
  • Embedding the right steps from the start
  • Fostering innovative culture
  • Environmental, social and governance culture

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None – for information and awareness.