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Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) and regulators deliver for consumers in 20/21



The CMA’s 20/21 report shows how concurrency arrangements with other regulators have helped deliver benefits for consumers over the past year.

Key points to note

  • 3 new investigations launched by the CMA, the FCA and the ORR (Office of Rail and Road) to investigate competition concerns in online payments, financial services and rail services respectively.
  • 2 fines following the CMA-led investigations into the private healthcare and financial services sectors, totalling over £19 million.
  • 3 ongoing investigations launched by Ofgem, Ofcom and PSR (Payment Systems Regulator), resulting in those regulators provisionally finding breaches in competition law.
  • The report also covers the CMA’s and regulators’ responses to issues caused by the pandemic and advice to government on legislative approaches to address these.

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