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£202 million paid by insurers to help the families of those who have died due to coronavirus

Link(s): £202 million paid by insurers to help the families of those who have died due to Coronavirus


The ABI has published information setting out the amounts paid out by insurers in relation to coronavirus deaths. 

Key points to note

  • Insurers paid out £202 million – the equivalent of £553,000 every day – to support the families of people who tragically died due to COVID-19 in 2020 according to figures issued by the ABI.
  • Pay-outs included £250,000 made the day after notification of death, and a £1 million payment to dependants.
  • This is the first time that ABI has collected life insurance pay-outs arising from a single event, reflecting the unprecedented pandemic.
  • These figures compare to the £5.8 billion paid out for all protection claims in the previous year, 2019.

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